Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

sebenernyaa gue gak benci sm apa itu cinta,tapi kenapa sih gara-gara cinta kita bisa nangis?kt bisa bahagia?bisa merubah sikap kita cuman grgr cinta?grgr cinta kita bisa bunuh diri atau apalah hal-hal yg negatif..jaman skrng dr yg kecil,remaja,muda dan tua pasti mereka merasakan apa itu cinta,cinta itu emang indaaahbgt kalo awalnya tp knp endingnya kdng slalu sedih,beruntung kaya cinderella akhirnya dipersatukan kembali dengan pangeran yg mencintainya,anak kecil aja udh main cinta-cintaan meskipun cinta mereka itu cuman sebatas cinta monyet wkwk kenapa gaada cinta anjing cinta buaya cinta kadal???wkwk knp hrs dibilang cinta monyet?HAHAHA._. hmm gue dapet cinta dari kasih sayang orang tua gue,kasih syg temen22 gue,tp gue belom dpt kasih syg sepenuhnya dr kekasih atau pcr gue hhaaha yg jelas ONLY ALLAH WHAT WILL HAPPEN!!kita tuh skrng cuman disuruh bersabar ajaa.,.lucubgt ya kalo kita mikirin masa depan,haha pasti mikirnya "kapan gue nikah?"siapa jodoh gue" wkwk ada-ada ajaa yaa lu,haha kita kan gatau emng di masa depan nanti kita msh hidup?mungkin detik ini,jam ini ataupun besok,lusa atau berapa tahunkemudian?kita kan gatau,semua udh di atur sm yg di atas..yg jelas kita di dunia kumpulin sebanyak-banyaknya pahala dan amal kebaikan kita di dunia hahaha-..-
gatau knp gue tbtb ngeblog kaya gini wkwk JUST BE WOLES ajaalah:D



Ipang-Ada Yg Hilang a

Aku hanya bisa terdiam
Melihat kau pergi dari sisiku
Dari sampingku
Tinggalkan aku seakan semuanya
Yang pernah terjadi
Tak lagi kau rasa

Masih adakah tentang aku
Di hatimu yang kau rasakan
Coba kau rasakan
Mudahkah bagimu untuk hapuskan
Semua kenangan bersama denganku
Tak pernah sedikit pun
Aku bayangkan betapa hebatnya
Cinta yang kau tanamkan

Hingga waktu beranjak pergi
Kau mampu hancurkan hatiku

Reff :
Ada yang hilang dari perasaanku
Yang terlanjur sudah
Kuberikan padamu
Ternyata aku tak berarti tanpamu
Berharap kau tetap di sini
Berharap dan berharap lagi


Happy failed anniv yaa ren,makasih udh pernah jd org yg aku sayang,maaf kalo selama ini aku gakbisa bikin km seneng atau apalah,jangan pernah sombong sm aku,jgn pernah lupa sm aku yaa sob,mungkin skrng kita cmn bs jd temen tp bs kaan kita jd shbt baik,oiya maaf jg kalo aku kdng suka bawel sm km suk protect km,sbnrnya pas tgl 12 juni nanti aku mau buat pesta kecil22an gitu pas km ulang tahun tppp itu semua cmn jd kenangan,pas semalem km sms aku yg aku tanya siapa aja adek22an km gatau knp perasaan aku gmn gituuu hm labil yaa-,-aku takutnya km cepet bgt bisa lupain aku,daaan ada yg lbh nyesek lg kirain aku,aku mantan pertama km,ternyata gaa!!dan itu aku sakit hati pernah bilang"km kenal cewe dr aku,kenal cinta dr aku tpppp ternyata caysie cinta pertama km,yaa aku emng cemburuu dan nyesek,asal km tau waktu km sent sms itu ke aku tbtb netes coy T.T hahaha lebe anjing**tp itu emng yang aku rasain ren..trs aku mikir "ngapain nangis,sedangkan org itu gak nangisin akuu HAHAHA jd inget tweetsnya Jakarta keras wkwkwk yaa skrng kita udh gaada hubungan apa-apa lagi,cuman jd temen ajaa,congrats bgt yaa yg udh bs jadi adek22annya kmwkwkw-..-aku pikir km bs berubah untuk ga cuek tp ternyata km GAGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha gapapa sob

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Ipang-Tentang Cinta

Sekilas tentang dirimu
Yang lama ku nanti
Memikat hatiku
Jumpamu pertama kali
Janji yang pernah terucap
Tuk satukan hati kita
Namun tak pernah terjadi
Mungkinkah masih ada waktu
Yang tersisa untukku
Mungkinkah masih ada cinta di hatimu

Andaikan saja aku tahu
Kau tak hadirkan cintamu
Inginku melepasmu dengan pelukan

Sesal yang datang selalu
Takkan membuatmu kembali
Maafkan aku yang tak pernah tahu
Hingga semuanya pun kini tlah berlalu

Maafkan aku
Maafkan aku

Mungkinkah masih ada waktu
Yang tersisa untukku
Mungkinkah masih ada cinta di hatimu

Andaikan saja aku tahu
Kau tak hadirkan cintamu

Inginku melepasmu dengan pelukan
Inginku melepasmu dengan pelukan

Like We Used To

I can feel her breath as she's sleeping next to me
Sharing pillows and cold feet
She can feel my heart, fell asleep to its beat
Under blankets and warm sheets

If only I could be in that bed again
If only it were me instead of him

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts?
When you've seen it a million times

Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to "Purple Rain"?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?

14 months and 7 days ago
Oh, I know you know how we felt about that night
Just your skin against the window
But we took it slow and we both know

It shoulda been me inside that car
It should have been me instead of him in the dark

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times?

Does he sing to all your music
While you dance to 'Purple Rain'?
Does he do all these things
Like I used to?

I know, love
(Well, I'm a sucker for that feeling)
Happens all the time, love
(I always end up feeling cheated)
You're on my mind, love
(Oh sorta let her when I need it)
That happens all the time, love, yeah

Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you everyday?
Will he make you feel like you're invincible
With every word he'll say?

Can you promise me if this was right?
Don't throw it all away

Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things
Like we used to?
Oh, like we used to

♥♥I'm Yours ren...

envyyybgtt T...Tpengen bgt bisa kaya gini ckckck-_-v i hope we can loving each others ren...*bigkiss*!!!

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011


btw foto disini gue ganteng banget yaaa..wakakak udah kaya anak laki,kecebgttt hehe


I first saw you, maybe you are not a special person but I think you're someone special. I apologize if I've not been able to be a lover who you want, but I want to try to become the lover you want
I just wanted to say if I really love you


renn..menurut gue lo orang yg perfect ren,,ur the best ren!!
hmm gue bikin jugaa nihh tulisan kayaa gini buat renna wkwkw,sbnrnyaa sih dia gatau blog gue apaa wkwk..isengbgttt gue bikin22 kaya gini..bodo ahh drpd gue badmood mending nulis22 hehe..

Long Distance by Bruno Mars

Long Distance lyrics

There's only so many songs
That I can sing to pass the time
And I'm running out of things to do
To get you off my mind

All i have is this picture in a frame
That I hold close to see your face every day

With you is where I'd rather be
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me
I wish that you were here with me
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me

It's so hard,it's so hard
Where we are,where we are
You're so far,this long distance is killing me
It's so hard,it's so hard
Where we are,where we are
You're so far,this long distance is killing me

Now the minutes feel like hours
And the hours feel like days
While I'm away
You know right now I can't be home
But I'm coming home soon,coming home soon

All i have is this picture in a frame
That I hold close to see your face again

With you is where I'd rather be
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me
I wish that you were here with me
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far

Can you hear me crying?
Can you hear me crying?
Can you hear me crying?

With you is where I'd rather be
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me
I wish that you were here with me
But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me

It's so hard,it's so hard
Where we are,where we are
You're so far,this long distance is killing me
It's so hard,it's so hard
Where we are,where we are
You're so far,this long distance is killing me

There's only so many songs
That I can sing to pass the time..
hmm iseng yaa waktu dirumah irfan gue ambil korek api sebenernya sih ngeliat nindi bikin gue jadi ikutan wkwk..gue bikin ajaa renna hahaha lucuu gaa??menurut lo semua mungkin gaa lucu,tp menurut gue ini lucubgt udah gitu simple..gue bikin kaya gini untuk menyatakan sayang sm renna hehe..sygbgt gue sm lo renn..don't leave me alone yaaa!!!

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011


huaaa gaa ngepost lagi nihh yaa gue udah males banget ngetik gituu wakakak
liburan sekolah ini kegiatan gue bener22 gaada kerjaan gue cuman makan tidur ol sholat(itu juga ga 5 wkt *kafir*)
gue emng bnrr22 udah kaya ayam yee dikurung harusnya tuh gue free tapi apaaannn???gue latihan shuffle aja ijinnya mati22an haaaahh fuckkknyeeddhh!!!
kerjaan gue selama liburan:...
1. begadang tidur jam 2 atau ga ja 3
2. bangun jam 12 siang abis itu beres2 kasur gaa mandi wkwk tp gosok gigi cooy
3. makan siang
4. cao ke lapangan maen bola sm bocah22 dirumah wkwk
5. pulang mandi
6. sholat magrib wkwkw
yaa begitulaah-,- kerjaan gue dan gue juga gapunya duit sama sekali..
jarang banget ketemu renna:-(((( nongkrong di warsem,hang out brg temen,,,huaaa emng madesu bangett yaaaa:-(

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